Kiddush Sponsorship Opportunities
Friday Morning Breakfast & Rabbi's Shiur Sponsorship
Every Friday following the 7am Shacharit minyan the Shul hosts a community breakfast and a Shiur led by Rabbi Morgenstern. Sponsoring Friday morning enables you to dedicate the shiur and seudah in the memory or honor of a person or event, or to give todah to Hashem. The sponsor is listed as the Rabbi's Friday Morning Breakfast and Shiur sponsor in the Shul’s weekly bulletin. The cost of sponsorship is $200/sponsor.
Shabbat Kiddush Sponsorships
Sponsored Kiddush
Sponsoring a kiddush enables the sponsor to be listed as the kiddush sponsor in the Shul’s weekly bulletin and included in that minyan’s announcements. The Shul will serve its normal kiddush menu for that minyan. This is available for the 9am Main Minyan, the 8:15am Social Hall (Hashkama) Minyan, and the 9:45am Teen Minyan.
The standard menu can be supplemented with additional food (the sponsor is responsible for all additional food costs). Please Note: No bread of any kind may be served at kiddush. Please contact Danny Essner to coordinate your Sponsored Kiddush details.
Drop-off Kiddush
Sponsoring a drop-off kiddush enables the sponsor to order their own food (from a Shul-approved vendor) for drop-off on erev Shabbat / Yom Tov. YIS provides all paper goods and beverages. The YIS custodial team provides all setup and cleanup services. Drop-off kiddush sponsors are included in the weekly bulletin and in-shul announcements.
Please Note: No bread of any kind may be served at kiddush.
Catered Kiddush
Sponsoring a catered kiddush enables the sponsor to bring in their own caterer (must be an approved caterer by YIS). The caterer is responsible for all items, including food, beverages and paper goods. They are also responsible for the setup and cleanup of the kiddush. Catered kiddush sponsors are included in the weekly bulletin and in-shul announcements.
Please Note: No bread of any kind may be served at kiddush.
Themed / Community Kiddush Sponsorships
Throughout the year, the Shul runs community-wide kiddushes to express hakarat HaTov to our custodial team, our CSS team, our graduates, and other community-wide events and celebrations. These kiddushes function similarly to Sponsored Kiddushes
Kiddush Sponsorship Pricing
Kiddush Type | Main Minyan | Social Hall Minyan | Teen Minyan |
Sponsored Kiddush | $360 | $180 | $100 |
Drop-off Kiddush | $500 | $250 | $180 |
Catered Kiddush | $500 | $360 | N/A |
Themed Kiddush | Kiddush-specific pricing | N/A | N/a |
1. All pricing is per-sponsor
2. Sponsored kiddush pricing does not include extra menu items.
3. 10% Discount to members who have paid into the Annual Kiddush Fund in the current Fiscal Year and whose accounts are in Good Standing. (Discounts apply to sponsorship fees only).
4. Paper Goods - You may supply your own paper goods for a drop-off kiddush. If you would like to supply your own paper goods, please notify the shul office and deliver them no later than three (3) days prior to the kiddush.
5. Decorations - Kiddush sponsorships do not include decorative services (flowers, baloons, etc.) If a sponsors wishes to add decorations to their kiddush, they must coordinate in advance with the Shul office. An additional decorative fee may apply, depending on the work level required by the YIS custodial team.
6. The Catered Kiddush Fee will be billed at the "Spnsored Kiddush" rate when the sponsor also rents the Social Hall and/or the Green Gallery for Friday night dinner, Shabbat lunch, or both. Terms are subject to the YIS Facilities Rental Agreement.
7. All food for drop-off and catered kiddushes must be supplied by a YIS-approved vendor. If you have any questions or would like a list of approved vendors, please contact the Shul office.
If you have any questions about Shabbat morning kiddushes or for help planning your kiddush, please contact Danny Essner.
Shalosh Seudot
Sponsoring Shalosh Seudot enables you to dedicate the seudah in the memory or honor of a person or event, or to give todah to Hashem. The sponsor is listed as the Shalosh Seudot sponsor in the Shul’s weekly bulletin. The cost of sponsorship is $200 / sponsor. The standard menu can be optionally enhanced with an expanded menu. To discuss expanded menu options (and pricing), please contact Stu Benson.
Wed, February 12 2025
14 Shevat 5785
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Today's Calendar
: 6:15am |
Shacharit : 7:00am |
: 7:45am |
Shacharit : 8:00am |
Mincha/Maariv : 5:10pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:10pm |
Mincha : 5:15pm |
Shabbat Day
Hashkama Minyan : 8:15am |
Sephardic Minyan : 9:00am |
Main Shul : 9:00am |
Latest Kriyat Shema : 9:29am |
Mincha : 5:10pm |
Havdalah : 6:12pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 17 |
Feb 22 Shabbat on Campus w/ Rabbi Ari Israel Saturday, Feb 22 |
Mar 1 Shabbat Shel Simcha w/ Musical Guest, Shulem Lemmer Saturday, Mar 1 |
Mar 1 |
Mar 14 Community Purim Seudah Friday, Mar 14 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 5:10pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:12pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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