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Academy of Jewish Studies

The Young Israel of Scarsdale offers an amazing array of adult education opportunities for our kehilla to grow their connection to the Torah. Our classes are offered on a variety of levels for men and women alike.  The sounds of Torah can be heard in the halls of YIS almost every single morning and evening.  In addition to weekly classes, YIS is proud to host outstanding Shabbat guest speakers throughout the year and our periodic lecture series with high-profile speakers draws upwards of 200 members of weeknights. 


The Living Torah Fund

The Living Torah Fund aims to help perpetuate the legacy of our loved ones through learning. 

The Fund seeks out and invites individuals whose scholarship and accomplishments are truly renowned and provides a forum for them to share their wisdom with our community.  Based on donations from the community, the Living Torah Fund underwrites lectures, forums and discussions that build on our heritage, enrich our community and provide an ongoing memorial to our loved ones.

For information on how to donate, including the opportunity to sponsor a specific speaker, or collaborate on programming ideas, please contact Steve Smith, LivingTorahFund@gmail.com.

Preview of Upcoming Living Torah Fund Programming for 2021 

Resources from Past LTF Speakers

Bari Weiss (Dec. 16, 2020): How to Fight ANTI-SEMITISM • Ze’ev Maghen • Columbia University, 1990


The Collective Conversation

We are proud to have launched the Collective Conversation series in January 2021, which highlights weekly Torah essays from members of the YIS Community. 

If you would like to write a Torah essay please contact Steve Smith at  LivingTorahFund@gmail.com

Sefer Bereshit

Erica Brown
Josh Trump
Jesse Bienenfeld
Josh Marans
Jeff Kapelus
Reb Ariel Schneider
Rabbi Joshua Lookstein
Ruthie Schwartz
Carole Daman
Daniel Goldschmidt
Evan Farber
Rabbi David Bashevkin

Sefer Shemot

Gabriel Raskas
Lauren Ganz
Carole Daman
Dani Loren

Jeff Kapelus

Hinda & Evan Farber

Steve Smith

Eitan Hoffman

Ki Tisa 
Tommy Weinberger
Alvin Pasternak
Howie Schub



Sefer Vayikra

Jeff Kapelus
R. Lord J. Sacks z"l
Steven Feldman
Steve Smith &
Stu Benson
Daniel Shamah
Daniel C. Matt
David Noble
Jeffrey Berger
Ari Sacher
Jordan Bryk
Alvin Pasternak

Sefer Bamidbar

Phil Fried
Steve Smith
Josh Fishman
Sage Zucker
Jeremy Elice
Jeff Kapelus
Steve Keller
Carole Daman
Steve Keller















Sefer Devarim

Rabbi Norman Lamm
Eitan Katz
Steve Smith
R. Lord J. Sacks z"l

Jeff Kapelus

Ki Teitzei
Rabbi Josh Lookstein

Ki Tavo
Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Hinda Farber







Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785